Friday, April 19, 2013

EOC: Beech Nut Scandal

Beech Nut nutrition corporation was on older and reputable company until they decided to break the trust of the consumers with inferior products. The president and vice president were sentenced for the crimes of selling apple juice that contained "little or no apple juice at all"(Into the Mouths of Babes). The product sold by Beech Nut was consumed by babies and mothers that trusted the company that had been established close to 100 years prior." It said that the product that Beech-Nut had been marketing as 100 percent apple juice was actually made from beet sugar, cane sugar syrup, corn syrup and other ingredients, with little if any apple juice in the mixture" (NY Times).The two men were charged with 215 counts of violating federal food laws. The issue with the company is that they clearly decided to hide the fact that there was little or no apple juice in their products when they found out. "Beech-Nut and other defendants had intentionally shipped adulterated and misbranded juice" (NY Times) When the first initial signs that pointed to a bad product surfaced when there were tests done on the juice. The reason that it was such a big issue for people is that the majority consumers of the product was mothers with young children. Beech Nut sold millions of bottles of apple juice that had almost no nutritional value for babies and young children. The first tests on the concentrate provided by the blending company suggested that there were certain impurities that didn't meet the company standards. Although the company was not initially responsible for the contaminated concentrate, it was their duty to switch to a new supplier when they realized they were hurting the reputation of the company. 

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